
Biden’s Poor Performance Raises Doubts on Ability to Debate Trump

Joe Biden’s recent press conference with Kenyan President William Ruto has raised concerns about his ability to lead the country effectively. At 81 years old, Biden struggled to hear questions from reporters and even forgot who the current president is. This embarrassing display has led many to question whether Biden is fit to debate President Trump.

During the press conference, Biden appeared confused and disoriented, often needing questions to be repeated and unsure of when it was his turn to speak. His struggles to answer basic questions have led some to believe that he may not be up to the task of debating Trump, despite his previous claims that he was eager to do so.

It’s clear that Biden’s performance at the press conference was lackluster and scripted, with his handlers stepping in to end the event when it became too difficult for him to continue. This raises serious doubts about his ability to engage in a high-stakes debate with President Trump, who is known for his strong debating skills. 


Conservatives are already questioning whether Biden will be able to hold his own against Trump in a debate, especially after his lackluster showing at the press conference. It seems that Biden’s team may already be laying the groundwork to back out of a debate with Trump, citing concerns about his ability to perform under pressure.

As the election draws near, it’s becoming increasingly clear that Biden may not be up to the challenge of facing off against Trump in a debate. His recent struggles only serve to highlight the stark contrast between the two candidates, with Trump appearing strong and confident while Biden falters under pressure. Ultimately, voters will have to decide who is best equipped to lead the country for the next four years.

Written by Staff Reports

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