
Biden’s Press Fiasco: Can’t Recall if it’s a Conference or Bingo Night?

In a surprise move, President Joe Biden held a press conference Thursday evening following the release of a special counsel’s report that labeled him as a “well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.” But the real question is whether he could remember he was in a press conference at all! With an aging brain like his, who knows what’s going on up there?

During the event, Biden, 81, apparently strayed from his usual process of taking questions from a list provided by staff members and actually picked the reporters himself. It’s like a game of “Who Wants to Ask the President a Question?” Imagine the excitement of being chosen! Will it be you? Unfortunately, Fox News was quick to note the irregularity.

Some of the exchanges became tense, especially when CNN’s MJ Lee questioned Biden about his age. The President seemed to bristle at the suggestion and cut her off before she could finish speaking. No one likes to be reminded that they’re getting old, do they? But it seems like Biden can’t avoid the truth forever. The American people have been watching, and many have expressed concern about his age. Even The Washington Post’s Tyler Pager asked whether the report would cause more worry about his age. It’s like the elephant in the room, except the elephant is the President’s memory, and it’s getting smaller and smaller by the day.

Surprisingly, NBC News reported that a recent poll showed a whopping 76% of voters have some level of concern about Biden’s “mental and physical health.” Even 54% of Democrats are feeling the jitters. It seems like the American people are finally catching on to what we’ve known all along: Sleepy Joe may be a little too sleepy for the job after all.

It’s not just Biden’s age that’s causing trouble. The poll also showed that almost half of the voters (48%) have concerns about Donald Trump’s fitness for president! But wait, it gets even better. The same number of people had similar concerns about Biden’s son, Hunter, and his alleged dealings. It seems like this family can’t escape scrutiny, can they?

The Special Counsel’s report didn’t do Biden any favors either. It stated that Biden won’t be charged with mishandling classified government documents due to his “poor memory” and age. In other words, he’s too old and forgetful to be held accountable for his actions. It’s as if the report is saying, “We can’t blame Grandpa for leaving the kitchen sink running. He probably forgot it was even on!” With a defense like that, who needs enemies?

It’s clear that Biden’s age and health are causing real concern for the American people. Even a Democratic poll respondent admitted that Biden’s age might affect his ability to be a good president. It seems like the American people have finally caught on to what we knew all along. Let’s hope they remember it when it’s time to vote.


Written by Staff Reports

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