
Biden’s Pronoun Police Threaten Free Speech at HHS!

In a shocking move on Thursday, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) unveiled a mandate that will now require all employees to adhere to individuals’ chosen gender pronouns, completely disregarding their biological sex. This absurd mandate blatantly tramples on the rights of employees and threatens them with termination for not conforming to this progressive, woke ideology.

A Heritage Foundation expert and former HHS official, Roger Severino, blasted the new Biden mandate, asserting that it infringes upon the rights of employees and essentially forces them to speak falsehoods. Severino also highlighted the First Amendment’s protection against being coerced into adopting a state-approved ideology and denying one’s own faith. It’s a blatant disregard for individual liberties and an assault on traditional American values.

Severino didn’t stop there – he took the Biden Administration to task on social media, exposing their clear agenda of enforcing ideological conformity on the American people. The former HHS employee expressed grave concerns over the Orwellian nature of the policy, warning that “misgendering” someone could now be grounds for termination. This heavy-handed approach to enforcing their progressive agenda is not only alarming but also encroaches on American’s freedom of speech and individual beliefs.

The mandate’s implications are downright absurd and invasive, as Severino pointed out the potential ramifications in HHS locker rooms and restrooms. He highlighted the absurdity of men who identify as female having the right to undress in front of their female colleagues, completely disregarding the discomfort and privacy rights of others. This policy is an affront to common sense and basic decency in the workplace.

Severino made it clear that he’s not backing down from the fight against these woke policies that essentially force Americans to pledge allegiance to the Rainbow flag. The Biden Administration’s relentless push for radical reforms under the guise of “gender discrimination” is a blatant overreach and a direct assault on traditional American values. It’s time to push back against this woke madness and defend the fundamental principles that make America great.

Written by Staff Reports

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