
Biden’s Real Issue: Cognitive Test Failure Looms Over 2024 Race

President Joe Biden’s age has become a hot topic of discussion in the 2024 race for the White House, with Republicans arguing that he’s “too old” and his erratic behavior being excused by his administration. However, a well-known psychiatrist, Dr. Carole Lieberman, believes that age should not be the primary concern. According to Lieberman, there are plenty of older individuals who maintain their mental faculties and intelligence.

Lieberman suggests that the real concern should be whether Biden would pass a crucial cognitive health evaluation. She dismisses the notion of Biden being too old to run, stating that many people in their 80s possess the knowledge and ability to steer the country in the right direction. Instead, it is about his competency, and Lieberman doubts that he would pass the test she is offering.

The test in question is an 11-question exam designed to assess cognitive function. It includes evaluating orientation, registration, attention and calculation, recall, and language abilities. According to Lieberman, Biden wouldn’t even be able to answer a straightforward question like “Who is the president of the United States?”

Biden’s frequent gaffes and mistakes have made headlines almost every week. A Yahoo/YouGov poll reveals that 67 percent of Americans, including 48 percent of Democrats, believe Biden is too old for another term. Interestingly, only 35 percent believe Vice President Kamala Harris would be ready to step in as president if necessary. On the other hand, a CNN poll indicates that 42 percent of Americans do not consider Trump too old to run again.

Moreover, a CNN poll shows that a majority of Americans approve of appointing a special counsel to investigate the classified documents found at Biden’s Delaware home and his D.C. office. According to the poll, only 18 percent believe Biden is blameless, while 81 percent think he has done something unethical in this situation. These findings reflect growing concerns about Biden’s ethics and transparency.

This week, Biden further fueled Americans’ worries about his mental and physical fitness for another four years in office. He nearly knocked down Brazil’s flag before beginning his speech and heavily relied on note cards during a meeting with Brazilian President Lula da Silva. Additionally, during a speech, he claimed to have been present at “every mass shooting,” using it as a basis to call for stricter Second Amendment rights.

These incidents contribute to the mounting evidence that Biden may not be mentally or physically capable of effectively leading the country. Americans have legitimate concerns about his ability to handle the responsibilities of the presidency, and it is crucial to consider these concerns when evaluating his candidacy for re-election.

Written by Staff Reports

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Biden’s Real Issue: Cognitive Test Failure Looms Over 2024 Race