
Biden’s Sad Selfie Stunt: Hides in Library, Can’t Face Tough Questions

In a recent event in California, Joe Biden attempted to drum up support for his struggling campaign by addressing a small crowd at the Culver City Library. Despite the presence of public officials, Biden couldn’t draw a larger audience, leading some to question his choice of venue. Perhaps fearing confrontation from anti-Israel activists on a college campus, Biden opted for the library instead. It seems like he may be avoiding tough questions and dissenting voices, classic Biden move!

It’s no surprise that Biden’s student debt forgiveness plan has received backlash, with many criticizing it as a questionable redistribution of wealth to benefit his election prospects. Even with his supporters scrambling to find reasons to praise him, Biden’s approval ratings remain dismal. The desperation of his backers is evident as they resort to applauding him for simply knowing how to use an iPhone camera to take a selfie. Seriously, that’s the bar they’re setting for praising the President? It’s laughable!

While Biden may impress some with his selfie skills, it’s clear that his administration’s performance leaves much to be desired. Compared to the previous administration, which delivered a robust economy, tax cuts, and maintained peace, Biden’s tenure is marked by chaos and confusion. It’s no wonder that a majority of Americans question his mental capacity to lead. Democrats and their media allies are quick to distract from these failures by touting Biden’s tech-savviness – a feeble attempt to conceal the glaring shortcomings of his presidency.

As critics highlight Biden’s penchant for gaffes and confusion, it’s evident that his age is not the primary concern; it’s his inability to articulate coherent policies and decisions. With Democrats and the media grasping at straws to elevate Biden’s image through superficial narratives like selfies, it’s increasingly clear that they lack substantive accomplishments to champion. The focus on trivialities only underscores the administration’s lack of meaningful achievements. It’s time for Biden and his supporters to address the real issues facing the country, rather than indulging in shallow, feel-good stories that do little to address the nation’s concerns.

Written by Staff Reports

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