
Biden’s Secret Alias ‘Robin Ware’ Unveiled in White House Scandal!

In a startling revelation, it was discovered that former Vice President Joe Biden used an alias email address, "Robin Ware," to discuss potential White House employment opportunities with his son Hunter Biden. The emails, which were recovered from Hunter's infamous laptop, reveal a discussion between Hunter and the alias regarding the possible employment of John McGrail as Deputy White House Counsel.

Hunter requests to communicate with "Robin Ware" before filling the position, as McGrail is eager to join the Treasury department. Minutes later, the alias, who we now know to be Joe Biden, responds to Hunter's request by saying, "Re Johnny, call me right away, Dad." This email is just one of approximately 5,000 that have been linked to Joe Biden's aliases.

Even more concerning is the rumor that White House staffers included Hunter on approximately ten emails sent to Joe's alias addresses. In addition, Hunter's laptop contained 27 emails connected to Joe Biden's pseudonym email address, as documented by the dossier of the non-profit organization Marco Polo. Clearly, there was a level of confidentiality surrounding these communications.

One email addressed to another of Joe Biden's aliases, "Robert Peters," revealed a conversation regarding a scheduled phone contact with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko. This call is notable because it occurred shortly before Poroshenko dismissed Viktor Shokin, the prosecutor who was investigating Burisma Holdings, the Ukrainian energy company that paid Hunter Biden $83,000 per month to sit on its board of directors. The House Oversight Committee asserts that Joe Biden threatened to withhold U.S. aid to Ukraine in order to oust Shokin.

An elected official's use of aliases raises significant concerns regarding transparency and accountability. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene correctly notes that elected officials assume an oath to the American people and the Constitution, and that hiding one's identity violates this oath. Joe Biden and his administration must now account for these actions.

Notably, the committee has requested that the National Archives provide all documents and communications pertaining to Joe Biden's use of aliases. The National Archives has requested permission from President Biden and former President Obama to release these records, as they pertain to the current president. Clearly, there is something to conceal, and the American people deserve to know the truth.

Written by Staff Reports

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