
Biden’s Secret Booster: Saving Face or Dodging Scrutiny?

The White House is at it again, encouraging Americans to get yet another COVID booster shot. President Joe Biden jumped on the bandwagon and reportedly got his booster last week, although we can’t say for sure because it was done behind closed doors. White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre faced some tough questions about why the president’s vaccination was shrouded in secrecy. She tried to brush it off by blaming it on his “incredibly busy schedule,” but let’s be real here. This is a president who takes more vacations than he takes press conferences, so it’s not surprising that he wants to avoid the public eye when it doesn’t suit his image.

And let’s not forget the urgency that Jean-Pierre emphasized. According to her, the president got his booster “as the earliest moment that he could.” Wow, what a hero! It’s almost like they’re trying to make it seem like he’s leading some kind of charge when in reality, he’s just trying to save face after his disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan. But hey, as long as he gets his booster shot, everything will be fine, right?

Jean-Pierre also took the opportunity to remind us all about the importance of getting vaccinated, not just for COVID but also for RSV and the flu. It’s almost as if they’re trying to distract us from their botched handling of the pandemic by throwing every vaccine imaginable at us. And let’s not forget that it was the Trump administration’s Operation Warp Speed that made all this possible in the first place. But of course, they can’t give credit where credit is due. They have to pretend like this was all Biden’s plan from the beginning.

But the real kicker is the fact that Biden received his booster shot in secret. This is a complete departure from how he received his previous doses. Remember when he got his booster shot last year and made a big show of it, spreading fear about a “pandemic of the unvaccinated”? It seems like his fear-mongering tactics have taken a backseat now that he’s in office. And let’s not forget, he’s already had COVID before, even though he was vaccinated. So what’s the point of all these boosters if they can’t even protect you from getting the virus again?

The FDA may have approved the booster, but the rollout has been far from smooth. People who showed up to get the booster were hit with the surprise of having to pay up to $200 because insurance wasn’t covering it yet. And let’s not forget the growing anti-vaccine sentiment among Americans. A recent poll showed that a plurality of respondents are not planning on getting the booster. Maybe if the Biden administration was more transparent and actually addressed people’s concerns instead of brushing them off, they might have better luck convincing people to get the shot.

It’s clear that the Biden administration is more interested in saving face than actually protecting American lives. They’ll put on a show when it suits them, but when it comes to actually facing the public and answering tough questions, they prefer to hide behind closed doors. It’s time for the American people to see through their facade and demand transparency and accountability. We deserve better than this.

Written by Staff Reports

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