
Biden’s Secret: More Tangled in Hunter’s Business Than He Confessed!

During an appearance on Fox News, James Comer, the chairman of the House Oversight Committee, revealed that President Biden was more involved in his son Hunter's business affairs than previously believed. According to Comer, the new revelations about the president's involvement came as a result of his investigation into the Biden family's alleged criminal activities.

Comer stated that there is proof of Biden's connection with these individuals, pointing to the contents of his infamous laptop, which included emails, pictures, and text messages. He claims that there is proof that Biden socialized with these individuals.


According to Comer, the president was in regular communication with these individuals, who he referred to as foreign nationals who were funding the Biden family through shell companies. It is clear that Joe Biden was aware of his son's illegal activities.

In an interview, the Kentucky Republican stated that the investigation is getting closer to its conclusion. He noted that the committee is currently in the deposition phase of the investigation, which has yielded various details about Biden's involvement. Besides bank records, the committee has also collected other information such as text messages and phone records.

It's important that witnesses testify under oath in order to gain a deeper understanding of the president's involvement, as the dots are connecting all the way to Joe Biden.

According to Comer, his investigation could lead to multiple criminal referrals against Hunter Biden, which could put the former's reputation at risk and put his family's activities under the spotlight. It is still to be seen how this will unfold, but it is clear that the truth is starting to emerge.

Written by Staff Reports

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