
Biden’s Secret Rants: Slams Netanyahu, Risking Re-Election Chances!

Joe Biden may pretend to have a friendly relationship with Benjamin Netanyahu in public, but behind closed doors, it seems their partnership is falling apart faster than a Jenga tower in an earthquake. According to a report by NBC News, sleepy Joe has been venting his frustrations about Netanyahu to anyone who will listen, including campaign donors. And what words does he use to describe the Israeli Prime Minister? Well, let’s just say it’s not exactly a term of endearment. Apparently, Biden has called Netanyahu an “a**hole” not once, not twice, but three times! Wow, I guess Biden really knows how to charm world leaders.

It turns out that Biden’s temper tantrums are a result of his inability to get Netanyahu to back down on his military campaign in Gaza. The President claims that he’s been trying to persuade Israel to agree to a cease-fire, but all Netanyahu seems to be giving him in return is a big middle finger. I don’t blame Netanyahu though. Why should he listen to Biden? The guy can barely remember his own name, let alone negotiate a cease-fire. Plus, it’s not like the Democrats are offering any useful alternatives. They’re too busy playing the blame game and cozying up to the Palestinians.

But here’s the thing that really grinds my gears: despite Biden’s private frustrations, his administration continues to publicly support Israel. They’re all talk and no action. It’s like Biden is trying to have his cake and eat it too. He wants the progressive left to believe that he’s some big champion for Palestinian rights, but he also wants to keep the pro-Israel crowd happy. Sorry, Joe, but you can’t have it both ways. You’re either with Israel or you’re not, and we all know where your true loyalties lie.

And speaking of loyalty, it seems like Netanyahu isn’t exactly feeling the love from Biden. Axios reported that the Israeli Prime Minister is pretty upset about an executive order that sanctioned Israeli settlers accused of violence against Palestinians in the West Bank. Netanyahu even had the audacity to protest the order to Biden himself! I can’t blame him though. It’s one thing to disagree with a policy, but it’s a whole different ballgame when your supposed ally is throwing you under the bus. Way to go, Joe. It’s like you’re determined to alienate every world leader who doesn’t kiss your ring.

But wait, there’s more! Biden’s unwavering support for Israel is allegedly hurting his chances of re-election, according to Democratic strategists. Apparently, young people and Islamic populations in key states like Michigan aren’t too thrilled about all the innocent civilians caught in the crossfire. Well, isn’t that just a shame? Biden’s gotta learn that sometimes you can’t please everyone, especially when it comes to international politics. But hey, if it means he won’t get re-elected, I’m all for it.

In the end, Biden’s deteriorating relationship with Netanyahu is a sad reflection of his lack of leadership and diplomatic skills. The man can’t even handle a conversation without resorting to name-calling. Is that really the kind of person we want representing our country on the world stage? I think not. It’s time for Biden to put on his big boy pants and start acting like a President, not a petulant child. But I won’t hold my breath. After all, he’s been in politics for decades, and he still hasn’t figured out how to act like a grown-up.

Written by Staff Reports

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