
Biden’s Shockingly Brief Reply to Hunter Scandal!

President Joe Biden addressed the accusations against his son, Hunter Biden, on Monday, firmly denying any prior knowledge of his son's business dealings. Despite his strong denial, critics and investigators continue to question whether the President had any involvement or awareness of his son's business ventures.

This is not the first instance where Joe Biden has faced inquiries about his son's overseas business activities. Previous interviews and statements have been challenged, leading to a growing demand for the President to provide clarity on the matter. During an interview with Fox News' Jacqui Heinrich, when asked if he had lied about never discussing business deals with his son, the President responded with a resolute "No."

Despite the brevity of his response, it appears that the President intends to stand firm against any allegations related to his son. However, Hunter Biden's business dealings have been a contentious issue for some time, with opponents of the President claiming that he had knowledge of and may have been involved in his son's business affairs.

Recently, these claims have gained traction due to alleged evidence, prompting calls for a thorough investigation into the matter. Whistleblowers came forward last Thursday, alleging that the Biden Department of Justice (DOJ) interfered directly in a criminal investigation involving Hunter Biden. The whistleblowers claimed that this interference resulted in unjustified delays, a lack of transparency, and threats from the Defense Council to obstruct the investigation.

Furthermore, the whistleblowers stated that the DOJ declined to investigate a WhatsApp message from Hunter Biden to Chinese businessman Henry Zhao, where Hunter allegedly threatened that Joe Biden would take action against Zhao if immediate payments were not made to the Bidens. Despite clear evidence of tax liability on Hunter Biden's payments, U.S. Attorney David Weiss was purportedly denied the opportunity to press charges against him in both 2022 and 2023, according to Rep. Jason Smith (R-MO).

IRS investigators also encountered internal challenges, including a lack of independence, recurring unjustified delays, and unusual actions that deviated from standard investigative procedures. They allegedly faced intimidation and threats from the Defense Council as well. Reportedly, Leslie Wolf, a U.S. Attorney, informed IRS investigators that a search warrant for evidence would not be approved if the evidence was discovered in the guest house of former Vice President Biden.

Given the intense scrutiny surrounding the relationship between the President and his son, the public and media will closely monitor this situation. It remains uncertain how this will impact the President's tenure going forward, but it is evident that this matter will persist for some time.

Written by Staff Reports

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