
Biden’s Sinking Ship: Dems Desperate Write-in Rescue in New Hampshire

Unexpectedly, Biden supporters have initiated a write-in campaign in New Hampshire subsequent to his exclusion from the Democratic primary ballot. Although the Biden Campaign appeared to have achieved success in persuading the Democratic National Committee to alter the primary calendar, the New Hampshire Democrat Party remained unsupportive of the proposal. Consequently, Joe Biden was omitted from the ballot, thereby presenting a potential avenue for a formidable candidate to emerge victorious in the primary.

In an effort to remedy this setback, supporters of Biden in the Granite State have initiated a write-in ballot initiative in his honor. The campaign known as "Write In Biden" asserts that the 2024 election holds the potential to determine the course of our democracy. They perceive themselves as a grassroots movement spearheaded by concerned citizens who are dedicated to resisting what they label "MAGA extremism."

It is noteworthy that this initiative does not involve the New Hampshire Democratic Party or the official Biden re-election campaign. However, numerous Democratic state senators, representatives, judges, and other political figures have endorsed Write In Biden. They are intent to demonstrate that independent voters in New Hampshire who lean Democratic and who are Democrats by a significant margin support Joe Biden and intend to write him in on the ballot.

Although President Biden is the presumed candidate for his party in 2024, the campaign's potential embarrassment and the potential bolstering of a challenger's momentum due to the lack of ballot access in New Hampshire cannot be overlooked. Representative Dean Phillips, who recently declared his candidacy for re-election in the Granite State, stands to gain the most from this circumstance. Although Phillips shares the same policy stance as President Biden, he contends that the party would benefit from nominating a younger candidate.

Notwithstanding potential obstacles and surveys that highlight weaknesses, the Biden Campaign maintains unwavering confidence in their capacity to secure victory through the write-in effort. Julie Chavez Rodriguez, the re-election campaign manager for Biden, conveyed the president's intention to take part in the primary while also recognizing the necessity to adhere to the regulations set forth by the state party. She guaranteed that Biden, upon receiving his official nomination at the 2024 Democratic National Convention, would vigorously pursue every vote in order to secure his victory in the New Hampshire general election.

Written by Staff Reports

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