
Biden’s Tall Tales Ignite: Reporter Exposes Fabrications!

In a fiery press briefing, a brave reporter confronted the Biden administration about the President’s mental fitness and his questionable comments about 9/11. This reporter deserves a medal for their courage!

While Biden did speak at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson in Anchorage to commemorate the 22nd anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, he drew criticism for snubbing traditional ceremonies in New York and the Pentagon. And to make matters worse, he made a completely false claim that he was at Ground Zero just a day after the attacks. It’s like he’s playing a game of “Pinocchio President” with the American people!

The confrontation began when a reporter dared to challenge National Security Council spokesman John Kirby about Biden’s tall tales. The reporter asked the tough questions: Is Biden living in a fantasy land where imaginary events become real? Or is he simply making things up as he goes along? Finally, someone is asking the hard-hitting questions we all want answers to!

But instead of giving a straightforward response, Kirby stumbled over his words, looking like a deer caught in the headlights. Come on, buddy, a simple yes or no would have sufficed! This just goes to show how even the spokesperson for the Biden administration can’t defend their leader’s delusions.

It’s not surprising that Biden’s comments on 9/11 have ignited a firestorm of controversy. Critics argue that he either has a selective memory or a talent for creating alternative facts. Let’s face it, this is just one more instance of Biden’s long list of misstatements. Are we really supposed to believe that someone with a track record like this is fit to lead our country? I think not.

Written by Staff Reports

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