
Biden’s Team Exposed: CISA Downplays Hunter’s Laptop, Silences Conservative Media

The shady dealings of the Biden Administration continue to unravel with the latest bombshell revelation. Documents obtained by America First Legal expose the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) for their role in downplaying the Hunter Biden “laptop from Hell” story. It’s clear that the Biden team was desperate to save their reputation and bolster the Democratic Party in the final days of the 2020 presidential election.

In an internal bulletin titled “countering foreign disinformation,” CISA officials shamelessly compared the New York Post’s groundbreaking story to a QAnon conspiracy theory. Can you believe that? Instead of conducting a thorough investigation into the legitimacy of the story, they dismissed it without any evidence or verification. But we shouldn’t be surprised, considering the FBI reportedly knew the story was real all along. It’s a classic case of the deep state protecting their own.

But this is just the tip of the iceberg. CISA was heavily involved in the House Select Committee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government’s investigation into collusion between federal agencies and Silicon Valley tech companies. They worked hand in hand with the Election Integrity Partnership (EIP), a shady organization that targeted conservative media outlets like Breitbart News, Fox News, the New York Post, and the Epoch Times. These organizations were bombarded with false allegations of “disinformation” simply for reporting the news. It’s a clear violation of free speech and an attempt to silence conservative voices.

And who was on this so-called “disinformation subcommittee”? None other than Twitter’s former top censor, Vijaya Gadde, and Dr. Kate Starbird of the EIP. It’s no wonder that conservatives have been unfairly targeted and censored on social media platforms. These individuals, along with former CIA legal advisor Suzanne Spaulding, were using their positions to suppress conservative viewpoints and protect the Biden narrative. It’s an alarming abuse of power and a direct attack on our democratic principles.

It’s time for the American people to wake up and see the corruption happening right under their noses. The Biden Administration, along with their allies in federal agencies and Silicon Valley, are actively working to manipulate the truth and control the narrative. They don’t care about transparency or the freedom of the press. They only care about protecting their own interests and pushing their radical agenda.

We cannot stand idly by while our rights are trampled upon. It’s time to hold the Biden Administration accountable for their actions and demand the truth. The American people deserve better than this relentless assault on our democracy. We must fight back and ensure that our voices are heard. The future of our nation depends on it.

Written by Staff Reports

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