
Biden’s Temper Tantrum Skips NH Primary: Diversity or Power Play?

President Biden, the self-proclaimed champion of diversity, has thrown a temper tantrum and decided not to appear on the Democrat primary ballots in New Hampshire. Why, you may ask? Well, apparently the party rules to start the primary cycle with Iowa and the Granite State don’t align with his grand vision of fairness. Instead, Biden and his team are pushing for the primary process to begin with South Carolina, a state they claim better represents the diversity of our great nation. How convenient that Biden also did well in South Carolina during the 2020 primary. It seems like he just can’t resist stacking the deck in his favor.

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) recently approved a new calendar that would start the primary process with South Carolina, followed by New Hampshire and Nevada. But the leaders in New Hampshire aren’t having it. They believe that their state should continue to be the first in the nation to hold a primary, and they won’t let Biden dictate the rules. Kudos to them for standing up to this political power grab.

In a letter to New Hampshire Democratic Party Chair Raymond Buckley, Biden’s campaign manager, Julie Chavez Rodriguez, sulkily stated that the president would comply with the state party’s rules. But fear not, she reassured everyone that Biden would eagerly campaign in New Hampshire for the general election after he secures the nomination in 2024. Talk about arrogance. Biden expects the nomination to be handed to him without even participating in the state’s primary process? That’s not democracy; that’s entitlement.

While Biden chose to take his toys and go home, it seems that another challenger may be stepping up to the plate. U.S. Rep. Dean Phillips, a Democrat from Minnesota, is reportedly considering a primary bid. After failing to convince a Democrat governor to throw their hat into the ring, Phillips is ready to make a play for the nomination himself. It’s clear that within the Democratic Party, there are those who recognize Biden’s weaknesses and are growing increasingly dissatisfied with his leadership.

But don’t worry, both the Biden campaign and the New Hampshire Democratic Party chairman are confident that Biden will win the state with a write-in campaign. They dismiss any potential primary challenge as nothing more than a minor inconvenience. How out of touch can they be? It’s clear that there are Democrats who want an alternative to Biden, who want someone who better represents their values and will actually fight for them. But instead of listening to the voters, the establishment wants to hand Biden the nomination on a silver platter.

As of now, it’s unclear when exactly the New Hampshire primary will take place in 2024. But one thing is for certain: Biden’s absence from the ballot has created uncertainty and further exposed the fractures within the Democratic Party. It’s time for conservatives to step up and offer a real alternative to the failed leadership of Biden and his allies. We need someone who will fight for the American people, not just for their own political ambitions.

Written by Staff Reports

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