
Biden’s Ukraine Scandal: WH Hides Evidence, Protects Hunter’s Dirty Biz?

The White House is once again playing games and refusing to disclose important documents that could expose the truth about Joe Biden’s involvement in the Ukraine scandal. The House Oversight Committee is rightfully demanding these documents for the impeachment inquiry, but the Biden administration is trying to stonewall the investigation. It’s clear that they have something to hide.

What we do know is that during a 2015 speech in Ukraine, Biden called for the firing of a prosecutor who was investigating corruption related to Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company. And who just happened to be on the board of directors for Burisma? Biden’s own son, Hunter. This reeks of conflict of interest and hints at Joe Biden using his position as vice president to protect his son’s shady business dealings.

The fact that the Biden administration is refusing to hand over the early drafts of this speech is highly suspicious. It’s clear they don’t want the American people to see what was really said and what instructions were given. They’re using dilatory tactics and obstructing the investigation, showing a complete disregard for transparency and accountability.

But the truth is starting to come out. Internal memos reveal that U.S. officials were feeling pressure from Burisma to make allegations disappear and even suspected that bribery payments had been made. There’s also evidence that Hunter Biden’s involvement with Burisma was undermining the anti-corruption efforts of the State Department. It’s a blatant example of the Bidens putting their own interests ahead of the American people.

And let’s not forget that Ukrainian officials have confirmed that Joe Biden pressured them to fire the prosecutor in question, despite the fact that there were no corruption charges against him. The audio tape of a conversation between Biden and the Ukrainian President serves as further proof. It’s clear that Biden abused his power and used his position to interfere in a foreign investigation for personal gain.

The House committee chairs are absolutely right to demand the requested documentation and threaten legal action if the White House continues to refuse. The American people deserve to know the truth about Biden’s involvement in Ukraine and whether he used his position as vice president to protect his son. It’s time for the Biden administration to come clean and stop playing games with the American people.

Written by Staff Reports

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