
Biden’s Unsettling Hands-On Approach with Kids Shocks During School Tour

Joe Biden finally returned from his never-ending vacation at Lake Tahoe, and it’s pretty clear he’s still in vacation mode. Despite only having two events on his schedule, a reception and a school visit, Biden seemed more interested in shaking hands with children than taking on any serious work.

During his visit to the Eliot-Hine Middle School, Biden took the opportunity to cough and shake hands with the kids. It’s interesting to note that just days before, Biden suggested mandating another COVID vaccine, implying that the previous vaccines he pushed for might not have been effective. But here he is, not following any safety measures or showing concern for the wellbeing of the children.

In a video from the event, it’s quite amusing to see a young girl in a diamond sweater avoid shaking hands with Jill Biden. Maybe she had the right idea after all. As for Joe Biden, he spoke to an eighth-grade math class and made a rather ironic comment about returning to work after three months of vacation. It’s hard to take him seriously when he himself seems to enjoy taking extended breaks.

But the most uncomfortable moment came when Biden appeared to stroke the cheek of a 13 or 14-year-old child. This is just one of many instances where Biden has been accused of inappropriate touching or making creepy comments about children. It’s puzzling that his staff hasn’t been able to put a stop to this behavior. Even a former member of Congress, Scott Brown, has spoken out about Biden’s “handsy” actions.

It’s about time someone addresses this issue and puts an end to Biden’s inappropriate behavior. We need leaders who can act professionally and respectfully, especially when it comes to interacting with children.

Written by Staff Reports

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