
Biden’s Vaccine Fiasco: Costly Shots, Shortages & Censorship Shock Nation

The vaccine rollout has been a real doozy, and the headlines are not holding back. One major issue that’s been causing a stir is the outrageous cost some people have been charged for the vaccine. Can you believe it? Nearly $200 just because their insurance wasn’t covering it yet. This is despite the fact that the government and private insurance companies are supposed to be covering it. What a joke!

And as a CNBC report pointed out, this certainly doesn’t look good for a vaccine that the Biden administration was so eager to push on Americans. It turns out that some insurers are still updating their plans to include the new vaccines, which has caused temporary delays in coverage. Smooth move, guys.

But don’t worry, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and private health-care providers are on top of it. They’re just now reaching out to ensure that their systems are up-to-date and prepared to meet their obligation to provide coverage. Way to be proactive, CMS.

Oh, and let’s not forget about the supply issues. According to Dr. Nirav Shah, the principal deputy director of the CDC, the vaccines are out there in pharmacies, doctor’s offices, and health centers around the country. Well, at least in theory. Some people have booked appointments, only to have them canceled because the pharmacies ran out of doses. Talk about a major disappointment.

And to add insult to injury, some people are being told that they have to pay out of pocket for the vaccine, even though they were led to believe it would be fully covered by their insurance. The nerve! This retails for between $100 and $200, plus an administration fee. Can you say highway robbery?

But wait, there’s more! It seems like the Biden administration’s mishandling of COVID has led to even more vaccine hesitancy. Can you blame people? With all the mandates and censorship, it’s no wonder they’re skeptical. And now we find out that the administration colluded with Big Tech to censor Americans who expressed skepticism. Talk about a violation of free speech!

The administration is even facing a lawsuit because of their heavy-handed tactics, resulting in losses in the courts. But don’t expect them to do anything about it. They’re at a loss for how to combat vaccine skepticism. They keep hoping it’ll just go away. Way to take charge, guys.

And to make matters even worse, the CDC is repeating pro-abortion talking points about abortion-causing drugs. What does that have to do with vaccines? Absolutely nothing, but it just shows how out of touch they are.

So, it’s no wonder that a recent poll showed that a majority of Americans are not interested in getting the COVID booster. They’ve lost faith in the government’s handling of the vaccine rollout, and who can blame them? It’s been one blunder after another.

Overall, the vaccine rollout has been a hot mess. From exorbitant costs to supply issues to government censorship, it’s clear that the Biden administration is failing the American people. We deserve better.

Written by Staff Reports

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