
Biden’s VP Era Secret Revealed! Son’s Business Pal Received Letter

President Joe Biden’s alleged ties to his son’s business partners have come into question once again, thanks to a recently obtained letter by Fox News. The letter, sent in January 2011 when Biden was vice president, includes a mention of an event he attended with then-Chinese President Hu Jintao. In the letter, Biden apologizes for not getting a chance to talk to his son’s business partner at the luncheon, adding, “I hope I get a chance to see you again soon with Hunter. I hope you enjoyed the lunch. Thanks for coming. Happy you guys are together.”

This letter adds fuel to the fire of allegations that Biden was aware of his son’s business dealings and potentially involved in them. It directly contradicts Biden’s repeated claim of never discussing business matters with his son, Hunter Biden. The letter also supports claims made by Archer, one of Hunter’s business partners, who revealed during an interview with Tucker Carlson that Biden knew they were present during meetings.

It’s concerning that the president would repeatedly deny any involvement in his son’s business affairs when evidence like this letter seems to suggest otherwise. This raises questions about Biden’s transparency and credibility. If he has been dishonest about his knowledge of his son’s business dealings, what else could he be hiding from the American people?

It’s crucial for the American public to hold their leaders accountable. We must demand transparency and honesty from our elected officials, regardless of their party affiliation. If Biden has indeed been involved in his son’s business dealings, it’s time for him to come clean and address these allegations head-on. It’s the only way to restore trust and ensure that our elected officials are serving the best interests of the American people.

Written by Staff Reports

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