
Biden’s War on History: Penn Statue on Chopping Block!

The Biden administration is at it again, folks! This time, they’re trying to erase American history by removing the statue of Pennsylvania founder, William Penn, from Welcome Park in Philadelphia. The National Park Service, which is under the Department of the Interior, claims they want to “rehabilitate” the area to provide a “more welcoming, accurate, and inclusive experience for visitors.” But what they’re really doing is erasing the legacy of one of America’s great founders!

Can you believe that they want to replace this historic statue with “educational offerings about the history of Native American tribes”? It’s just another example of the left’s never-ending quest to rewrite history and erase any mention of our great American founders! The proposed changes were made in consultation with representatives of the indigenous nations of the Haudenosaunee, the Delaware Nation, Delaware Tribe of Indians, the Shawnee Tribe, and the Eastern Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma. That’s right, they’re consulting with the tribes to erase our history!

And get this – they didn’t even stop there! The NPS also plans to remove the model of Penn’s Slate Roof House and replace the Penn timeline with new exhibit panels. The lefties are doing everything they can to erase our history and rewrite the story of America! But don’t worry, folks, the public was given a chance to provide feedback. Of course, the overwhelming majority of comments were against the removal of the statue, with many people rightly questioning why their hard-earned tax dollars are being spent on this nonsense!

The statue of William Penn is a historic landmark in Philadelphia, standing at over 36 feet tall and weighing more than 53,000 pounds. It’s a symbol of the city’s heritage and history. In fact, it remained a dominant point in the skyline due to a “gentlemen’s agreement” that no building would be taller than the brim of Penn’s hat. But now, the left is determined to erase that history and replace it with their own version of America’s past.

We need to stand up to this left-wing nonsense and preserve our history for future generations. The Biden administration and their cronies at the National Park Service are trying to erase our country’s heritage, and we cannot let them get away with it! So, folks, let’s rally together, raise our voices, and make sure our children and grandchildren know the true story of America’s founding.

Written by Staff Reports

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