
Biden’s Web of Lies Unravels: New Evidence Exposes Family Business Ties

President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden’s tangled web of business dealings continues to unravel, despite the repeated denials from the White House. Fox News, always on the lookout for the truth, has exposed some juicy new evidence that has forced even the president’s allies to change their tune.

Hunter Biden’s attorney, Abbe Lowell, took to CNN to declare that Hunter never shared any money from his businesses with his dear old dad. Well, isn’t that convenient? It’s almost like they expected us to believe that the president of the United States had no idea what his own son was up to. But, hey, don’t worry, folks, according to Lowell, Joe Biden was just being a “good parent” and offering some “help” to Hunter when he needed it. Yeah, right.

Of course, the White House jumped right on board the denial train. White House Counsel spokesperson Ian Sams reiterated the claim that the president was not in business with his son, as if that settles the matter. And let’s not forget White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, who confidently declared that Joe Biden was “never in business with his son.” Well, well, well, isn’t it fascinating how these denials have become more specific over time?

Let’s travel back in time to 2019, during Biden’s presidential campaign, when he vehemently asserted that he had never discussed his son’s business dealings. Such a noble and righteous claim, don’t you think? But now, with mounting evidence that suggests a financial interconnection between father and son, that claim seems to be crumbling. Text messages from Hunter to his daughter hint at the burden of financially supporting the entire family for three decades, without expecting half of their salaries like dear old Pop. Interesting, isn’t it?

And if that weren’t enough, an email from Hunter’s business partner, Eric Schwerin, dated back in 2010, spills the beans on Joe Biden owing money to his son. It seems that Joe’s tax refund check magically found its way into Hunter’s bank account because, you know, he “owed it” to him. How touching. I wonder how many of us can claim the same kind of financial support from our parents?

But wait, there’s more! Another former associate, Devon Archer, had no qualms about revealing how involved Joe Biden was in his son’s business affairs. According to Archer, the president would regularly attend meetings with Hunter’s business partners. Isn’t it interesting how the president of the United States managed to find time in his busy schedule to sit in on meetings unrelated to his official duties? One can only wonder what was really going on behind closed doors.

The evidence keeps piling up, and it’s becoming harder and harder for the Biden camp to maintain their web of lies. It’s time for President Biden to come clean and admit his role in his son’s shady business dealings. But until then, let’s keep digging for the truth and hold our elected officials accountable for their actions. And remember, folks, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

Written by Staff Reports

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