
Biden’s Youthful Energy Act Falls Flat as Age Woes Surge

It seems like President Joe Biden is trying to prove that age is just a number, but according to Axios, his attempts to show off his youthful energy might be causing eye rolls among his staff. Despite the president’s claims of feeling younger than his age, his team seems to be less than impressed with his energetic declarations. As if that wasn’t embarrassing enough, reports indicate that his aides are keeping a close watch on his schedule to make sure he doesn’t overexert himself. Even First Lady Jill Biden is getting involved to ensure the president gets enough rest and downtime.

It’s no secret that President Biden has faced his fair share of stumbles, but it seems like he’s in denial about his physical limitations. While he has made some accommodations like getting more rest and wearing orthopedic shoes, it seems like the president is getting frustrated with the perception that he might be too old for the job. Despite his efforts to downplay the concerns about his age, the public doesn’t seem convinced. An Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research poll revealed that a majority of Americans, including both Democrats and Republicans, believe Biden is too old to serve a second term effectively.

The concerns over President Biden’s age are not just limited to the general public. A “word association” test conducted by the poll showed that when people heard Biden’s name, age and terms like “old,” “slow,” or “confused” were the first things that came to their minds. On the other hand, former President Donald Trump, who is only four years younger, received much less age-related criticism. It seems like the public’s perception of Biden’s age is overshadowing his competency as a leader.

With concerns over President Biden’s fitness for office growing among Americans, it’s becoming clear that his attempts to brush off the age issue are not cutting it. It seems like it’s not just about how the president feels about his age, but how the voters perceive it that’s truly important. And the resounding public opinion is that President Biden might be past his prime when it comes to leading the country.

Written by Staff Reports

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