
Big Tech and China Cozy Up Again: Microsoft Signs State-Backed AI Deals!

Microsoft’s partnerships with Chinese state-run media outlets have been exposed, revealing the tech giant’s involvement in spreading state propaganda. The documents show that Microsoft formed collaborations with China Daily and People’s Daily, recognized as propaganda arms of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). These partnerships involved Microsoft providing advanced technology and AI capabilities to the outlets.

China Daily received technology from Microsoft to target and profile users, while People’s Daily was given access to Microsoft’s AI chatbot, Xiaoice, which was controlled and censored by the CCP. These agreements, although reported to have expired, raise concerns about American tech firms engaging with entities known for media control and propaganda dissemination. It is disturbing to think that an American company like Microsoft would work to spread content that undermines democratic values.

It is clear that Microsoft’s partnerships with these Chinese media outlets play a significant role in aiding the CCP’s global propaganda efforts. By collaborating with major propaganda outlets that attack the very concepts of democracy, Microsoft is sending a message of support to the Chinese Communist Party. This raises questions about the company’s values and priorities.

The State Department has designated these outlets as effectively controlled by the Chinese government, underscoring the problematic nature of Microsoft’s partnerships. Additionally, Microsoft’s deepening ties with Chinese entities and its participation in projects with the Ministry of Education suggest a willingness to coordinate with organizations marked as propaganda arms of the CCP.

Microsoft’s involvement with Chinese state-run media outlets highlights the need for greater scrutiny of the interactions between American tech companies and foreign governments. It is crucial to ensure that American technology, which is supposed to be driven by principles of free speech and democracy, is not helping authoritarian regimes spread their propaganda. Government agencies and regulatory bodies must step up to investigate and address these concerning partnerships.

Written by Staff Reports

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