
Biggs Targets Housing Aid for Illegals with KAMALA Act

Congressman Andy Biggs from Arizona is on the brink of firing another shot in the immigration battle with his new legislation aimed at keeping taxpayer dollars from being used to fund housing assistance for illegal immigrants. The aptly titled Keeping Aid for Municipalities and Localities Accountable Act, or KAMALA Act for short, takes aim at states like California that are rolling out the welcome mat to those living in the country illegally. In a clever twist, the bill seeks to associate Vice President Kamala Harris’s home state with the immigration chaos that has persisted under her watch. It’s a strategic move, especially as the 2024 elections heat up.

The crux of the KAMALA Act is its effort to amend federal Community Development Block Grant funding to ensure that shelters, housing programs, and other financial assistance are strictly reserved for bona fide American citizens. The backdrop to this legislative action is California’s recent proposal to shower illegal immigrants with up to $150,000 in state-supported home loans—a staggering sum that not only raises eyebrows but also alarms conservatives across the nation. It’s the kind of generosity that makes one wonder if state officials have any grasp of fiscal reality or if they’re simply auditioning for a position in the next “Bailout Olympics.”

The bill would also ensure that the Department of Housing and Urban Development keeps a tight grip on the distribution of funding. If states want to throw away public money on illegal immigrants, they may soon find themselves cut off from federal support. Biggs and his supporters argue that these kinds of programs not only open the floodgates to more illegal immigration, but also raise the housing market’s already climbing prices to dizzying heights, putting homeownership further out of reach for middle-class families—a scenario straight out of a liberal’s worst nightmares.

While California’s Democratic representatives are busy trying to pass initiatives that would essentially reward illegal behavior, opposition is brewing within Republican ranks. It’s clear that many Republicans have had a bellyful of funding programs designed to coddle those who repeatedly choose to flout immigration laws. Governor Gavin Newsom famously vetoed the initial housing assistance bill, citing the unsustainable burden it would place on the state’s finances—a moment that raised eyebrows as it momentarily put common sense ahead of party lines.

As the legislation picks up steam, backing from a solid cohort of ten Republican co-sponsors gives it a fighting chance to challenge the status quo of political correctness. Names like Lauren Boebert, Matt Rosendale, and Paul Gosar are not just adding their signatures; they are rallying a growing base that believes in America first—in values, in laws, and in funding practices. If anything is certain, the KAMALA Act promises to keep the immigration debate burnished and blistering, providing more fuel for the conservative fight to limit governmental overreach and prioritize citizens’ needs over those of people who should not be here in the first place.

Written by Staff Reports

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