
Bill Clinton Blows Up Over Hillary’s 2016 Flop, Exposes All in New Book!

In a shocking revelation, former President Bill Clinton has made a vulgar comment about his wife Hillary’s failed 2016 campaign, stating that her team “could not sell p**** on a troop train.” This comment was reported in the newly released book “The Squad: AOC and the Hope of a Political Revolution” by Ryan Grim, and was confirmed by Fox News. It seems that Clinton, despite his own political experiences, was frustrated with the campaign’s ineffective communication strategies and their reliance on identity politics.

This is not the first time that Clinton’s advice has been disregarded by his wife’s team. In the book “Shattered: Inside Hillary Clinton’s Doomed Campaign,” it was noted that the former president wanted to visit places that the campaign deemed unworthy of their attention. Journalist Jonathan Allen, who co-wrote the book, revealed that Clinton believed in the power of showing up and connecting with voters in suburban and rural areas, even if there was no guarantee of winning their votes.

However, Clinton’s influence in the campaign was limited due to the criticism he received for his role in Hillary’s defeat against Barack Obama in the 2008 primary. He did not want to be blamed for causing another loss for his wife, so he refrained from forcing his views on the campaign.

Despite Hillary’s past failures, it seems that she is still an important figure in the Democratic Party. As the 2024 campaign approaches, she is emerging as one of the most prominent and influential surrogates in President Joe Biden’s re-election effort. According to NBC, the Clintons’ support and admiration within the party make them valuable allies for Biden. However, not everyone agrees with this assessment. Zeeshan Aleem, in an Op-Ed for MSNBC, argues that relying on Hillary as a campaign surrogate is a risky move, given her track record of losing key voters and failing to inspire turnout.

Overall, these revelations about Bill and Hillary Clinton’s involvement in the 2016 campaign shed light on the challenges they faced and the internal dynamics that contributed to their ultimate defeat. It remains to be seen how the Clintons’ influence will shape future political campaigns and whether they can overcome the shortcomings of the past.

Written by Staff Reports

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