
Bill Gates & White House Team Up to Play God with Our Sun!

The White House announced its support for the solar radiation modification project, which was inspired by Bill Gates. This geoengineering technique involves intentionally spreading particles in the Earth's atmosphere to prevent the sun from reaching the planet. According to reports, Gates supported the project earlier this year. The Biden administration noted that this approach could help significantly cool the planet within the next couple of years.

The White House has supported this plan, but it is important to note that other leftists, such as George Soros, have also supported it. According to Fortune, the philanthropist has given his support to projects that seek to alter the Earth's climate by intentionally reducing the amount of sunlight that enters it. It's concerning to see that leftists are all on board.

Despite the White House's acknowledgement that there are still uncertainties associated with SRM, the administration's decision to pursue the use of unproven technologies in its efforts to address climate change shows that it is willing to take risks.

Although the White House insists that there is no plan to establish a comprehensive study on solar radiation modification as a strategy to address climate change, supporters of this approach point out that this report shows progress. It is troubling to see that the US government supports outdoor experimentation and would use the Earth as a testing ground for dangerous geoengineering techniques.

A scientist from Nigeria has criticized George Soros and Bill Gates for using Africa as the petri dish for their climate experiments. He warned that the effects of solar radiation management could have a negative impact on the global climate and ecosystems. He noted that it could disrupt regional and local weather patterns and cause floods and droughts.

Although it may seem counterintuitive, the use of various experimental techniques such as the deployment of mirrors in space, the cultivation of genetically modified plants, and the covering of deserts with plastic are being considered as part of the administration's strategy to address climate change. Such endeavors may result in the loss of livelihoods of billions of people.

The idea of geoengineering the sun and dimming it is both potentially dangerous and a major distraction as rich nations work toward addressing the climate crisis. Instead of focusing on untested and speculative technologies, we should adopt more sustainable practices.

The White House's decision to support Bill Gates' plan to intentionally reduce the amount of solar radiation entering the Earth is alarming. Although the effects of this technique are still unknown, it is clear that doing so could have a significant negative impact on the climate and ecosystems. Instead of experimenting with untested and risky methods, the administration should focus on adopting sustainable solutions to address climate change instead.

Source: The Daily Fetched

Written by Staff Reports

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