
Bill Gates’s Netflix Series Hypocritically Lectures on Climate While Jet-Setting

The latest Netflix docuseries from Bill Gates, titled What’s Next? The Future with Bill Gates promises to dish out a hefty helping of the billionaire’s pet projects, including relentless climate doom-and-gloom. Gates, in his typical fashion, channels his inner prophet, suggesting that humanity must abandon hydrocarbons “almost entirely.” Last checked, Gates’ jet-setting lifestyle renders any talk of sacrifice quite comical, considering his carbon footprint easily dwarfs that of the average American. It’s a classic case of “do as I say, not as I do.”

This five-episode extravaganza dives into a buffet of topics that excite Gates, including misinformation, artificial intelligence, and income inequality. It’s a masterclass in virtue signaling, showcasing the viewpoints of celebrities like Bono and Lady Gaga, who certainly have their issues with reality. This star-studded cast will make for an entertaining watch, but one can’t help but wonder if they’ll tackle their carbon emissions or stick to lecturing the rest of us on our choices from their high horses.

And speaking of high horses, Gates is apparently unbothered by accusations of hypocrisy over his use of private jets. He recently declared he is “not part of the problem” while simultaneously funding projects that supposedly offset his extravagant lifestyle. He claims to invest in “gold standard” climate initiatives aimed at reducing carbon in the atmosphere, which seems like a convenient excuse for his extravagant habits. It’s easy to champion a “green” agenda when you’re sitting in your climate-controlled, luxury aircraft.

In an exciting turn of events, Gates has also proposed the delightful idea of a three-day workweek powered by artificial intelligence. Clearly, his version of a work-life balance assumes everyone can afford to lighten their load while he continues his research from the comfort of private jets and lavish homes. Meanwhile, the hardworking Americans likely juggling multiple jobs might find his suggestions a tad unrealistic and more than a little out of touch.

The docuseries also features appearances from the likes of Anthony Fauci, who will share his wisdom on infectious diseases, further cementing the progressive parade. Gates’s recent praise for Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris has opened another can of worms, stirring conservative suspicion that this docuseries may be another platform for pushing progressive ideologies. Suppose there’s one lesson the conservative audience can take from this. In that case, it’s that Hollywood and elitist billionaires continue to amass power while discussing changes that seem designed to affect everyone else but themselves.

Written by Staff Reports

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