The corrupt Democrats strike again! Another IRS agent has come forward to confirm that prosecutors in Washington, DC, and California purposely blocked charges against Hunter Biden. This comes after IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley testified about political interference back in April. Darrell Waldon, the latest agent to speak out, revealed during a transcribed interview with the House Ways and Means Committee that now-special counsel David Weiss was turned down by the U.S. Attorney’s Office when he tried to prosecute the case in DC. Waldon also mentioned that the case was presented to the Central District of California but went nowhere.
It’s clear that the Democrat-controlled Department of Justice was dead set on protecting Hunter Biden and ensuring that he faced no consequences for his shady dealings. Instead of bringing charges in DC or California, Weiss struck a sweetheart plea deal with Hunter Biden that quickly fell apart under scrutiny. This just shows the level of corruption within the DOJ. How can we trust that justice will be served when prosecutors are actively blocking charges against the son of the President?
For those keeping score at home:
1. Today, US Attorney David Weiss confirmed the Oct. 7 meeting happened.
2. Whistleblower Gary Shapley’s Oct. 7 meeting wrap email says Weiss claimed he did not have the authority to bring charges against Hunter Biden.…
— Oversight Committee (@GOPoversight) July 10, 2023
What’s even more infuriating is that Attorney General Merrick Garland has the audacity to claim that no one had the authority to block Weiss from charging Hunter Biden. Well, Mr. Garland, the evidence says otherwise. As Waldon’s testimony confirms, Weiss was turned down by the U.S. Attorney’s Office in DC and brought no charges in California. Garland can try to spin it however he wants, but the truth is clear – they were protecting Hunter Biden at all costs.
It’s not just one whistleblower speaking out about the DOJ’s corruption. Shapley, Ziegler, and Batdorf all support the allegations that the tax division of the DOJ opposed charging Hunter Biden. The evidence continues to pile up, yet the Democrats refuse to acknowledge the corruption happening right under their noses. It’s time for a real investigation into the Bidens and their shady dealings. The American people deserve answers and justice.