
Bobby Kennedy Jr. Drops Medicaid Bombshell Costs Explode 60% Under Biden’s Watch

Bobby Kennedy Jr. sparked quite the firestorm during his Senate confirmation hearing for the Health and Human Services secretary position. While some folks were probably hoping to hear the latest in the world of health policy, Kennedy delivered a shocking statistic guaranteed to have spending hawks clutching their pearls. He pointed out that Medicaid costs have soared by an eye-popping 60% during the Biden administration. Yes, you read that correctly—six-zero percent!

This inflationary fiasco is reminiscent of a budget-busting buffet line, where everyone goes back for seconds, but nobody talks about how to pay the tab. Under Biden’s watch, Medicaid, that safety net for low-income Americans, has turned into a financial black hole gulping down taxpayers’ dollars like there’s no tomorrow. With costs spiraling out of control, one has to wonder if there’s enough room on the government credit card to cover this ballpark of an increase.

Meanwhile, the Biden administration seems committed to the party line that government spending is a means to an end rather than a potential calamity. Their approach follows the “spend now, pay later” philosophy, which might work in the short term but inevitably leaves future generations drowning in debt. While Kennedy raised the alarm, it’s the taxpayers who will ultimately foot the increasing bill as their wallets become thinner than Joe Biden’s list of accomplishments.

On the other side of the aisle, those who supported Biden’s spending spree have a lot to explain. How do they reconcile their push for comprehensive social programs with the outsized costs that are levied on hard-working Americans? It seems there’s little acknowledgment of their role in creating a Medicaid monster—one that is growing at an alarming rate, reminding everyone that good intentions don’t always yield good results.

As the hearing wrapped up and the dust settled, conservative thinkers were left wondering how much longer this trend can continue. The message is clear: when government gets involved, costs often spiral out of control. It’s time to rein in the runaway spending before the next wave of fiscal chaos washes over working families. If this is what change looks like, it might be wiser to keep the change in the couch cushions rather than hand it over to the government for yet another round of reckless expenditure.

Written by Staff Reports

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