A unique tale unfolded at Kahului Airport in Maui as authorities launched an investigation into the grim discovery of a body in the wheel well of a United Airlines flight. The unfortunate incident occurred shortly after flight 202, which had just touched down from Chicago, with the deceased person found in the main landing gear. It’s not every day one hears about a stowaway trying to sneak onto the Aloha state’s shores, only to end up in a situation that’s more horror movie than beach vacation.
United Airlines acknowledges that they are working closely with law enforcement to get to the bottom of this mystery. The airline’s officials expressed a level of bewilderment regarding how the stowaway managed to access such a perilous hiding spot. After all, the wheel well isn’t a five-star hotel; it’s more like a claustrophobic closet. Most sane individuals wouldn’t even consider trying to hunker down there. It seems flying the friendly skies has taken a turn toward the absurd in this sad saga.
Body found in wheel well of United Airlines flight to Hawaii. Poor guy just wanted a free ride for Christmas since everything is so expensive. 😔 pic.twitter.com/IVo5cqOLTx
— B. Wilkins lll 🇺🇸 𓃠 (@ScummyMummy511) December 26, 2024
Despite the macabre find, operations at Kahului Airport continued without a hitch—because why should one unfortunate event ruin paradise for everyone else? The Maui Police Department is on the case, although they aren’t releasing any specific details about the deceased or their motivations, which seems to be part of the investigation’s intrigue. Stowaway mysteries may not top the list of typical crime dramas, but it’s certainly up there in terms of bizarre headlines.
Now, for those who aren’t aware, hiding in an aircraft’s wheel well is an incredibly risky gamble that very few survive. According to the Federal Aviation Administration’s data, a staggering 77% of those who attempt this high-flying heist end up paying the ultimate price. The math here isn’t too complicated: hiding in a cramped, freezing space can lead to disastrous outcomes. While this unfortunate soul met a tragic end, there have been a few lucky ones who somehow dodged the grim reaper while trying to hitch a ride on the wings of chance.
Stories abound of daring adventurers—albeit foolish ones—who managed to escape certain doom. One individual was discovered alive after hiding in the undercarriage of an Algerian plane in Paris, and another snuck into the nose wheel of a cargo flight from South Africa. Meanwhile, a teenager made headlines in 2014 after surviving a five-hour flight in the wheel well from San Jose. Such narratives give credence to the saying that truth is stranger than fiction, although this particular one hinges on a dangerously reckless form of adventure that many would consider more foolhardy than thrilling.