
Bombshell Alert: Third IRS Agent Outs More Potential DOJ Corruption!

In a surprising turn of events, a third IRS agent involved in the Hunter Biden case has stepped forward to confirm that U.S. Attorney David Weiss faced obstacles from the Department of Justice (DOJ) when trying to bring charges against the president’s troubled son. The agent, Michael Batdorf, testified during a closed-door session on Capitol Hill, expressing his frustration with the DOJ’s refusal to approve tax charges that the IRS believed were backed by solid evidence. This testimony directly contradicts the denials issued by Attorney General Merrick Garland just one day prior.

Batdorf’s statements line up with what the first and second whistleblowers, Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler, revealed to Congress – that Weiss was not given the freedom to pursue charges as AG Garland had claimed. Batdorf even shed light on another potential act of corruption, stating that Weiss had Shapley removed from the case despite no wrongdoing on Shapley’s part. This new testimony by Batdorf adds yet another piece of evidence supporting the notion that Weiss did not have the unrestricted authority to go after Hunter Biden as the DOJ had suggested.

What’s even more alarming is the suggestion made by Batdorf that Hunter Biden received preferential treatment from the DOJ. He claimed that Hunter’s legal team was given a significant number of opportunities to meet with the DOJ’s tax division, far more than an average person would receive. This allowed Hunter to plead his case and potentially influence the outcome of the investigation. The tensions between the IRS investigators and the DOJ Tax officials intensified as these meetings took place.

It’s becoming increasingly apparent that the DOJ did not want to pursue charges against Hunter Biden. The motives behind this decision, whether it was to protect Joe Biden and his family or to avoid a political headache, are still unclear. However, it is deeply concerning to see such double standards within the DOJ. While they have had no qualms going after Donald Trump despite political backlash, they seem to handle the Biden family with kid gloves. The lack of accountability and the blatant disregard for equal treatment raises serious concerns.

Attorney General Merrick Garland has yet to provide a satisfactory explanation for his previous statements in light of Batdorf’s testimony. It is apparent that he lied about Weiss having the authority to charge Hunter Biden as he saw fit. Unfortunately, as long as Garland remains in charge of the DOJ, we can’t expect any significant consequences for his actions. True accountability can only come with a new administration that has the courage to address these issues head-on.

Written by Staff Reports

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