
Border Bill: A Free Pass for Illegal Immigrants?

Oh boy, buckle up folks, because this Senate funding bill is a real doozy. According to these brave rank-and-file Border Patrol agents who aren’t afraid to speak their minds, this legislation is a one-way ticket to continuing the illegal immigration crisis. And let me tell you, they’ve got some choice words for it.

These agents are calling out the bill, known as the Emergency National Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2024, for its so-called “catch and release” policy. Apparently, if this bill goes into effect, it will allow for the release of illegal immigrants who claim a credible fear of persecution if they were to return home. Now, call me crazy, but isn’t it our job to enforce the law and protect our borders? These agents seem to think so too.

One agent in particular didn’t hold back, saying, and I quote, “Now that I’ve seen more of it, they can respectfully go f*** themselves.” Well, tell us how you really feel! But you know what, I can understand the frustration. They’re out there on the front lines, trying to do their job, and they feel like their hands are tied. Who can blame them for being a little fed up?

And it’s not just these agents who are sounding the alarm. The Border Patrol union, you know, the folks who actually know what’s going on, have endorsed the portion of the deal that provides funding for border security. They’re saying it’s not perfect, but it’s a darn sight better than the status quo. So maybe, just maybe, we should listen to the people who are actually dealing with this crisis day in and day out.

But here’s the kicker, folks. The bill includes tracking devices like ankle monitors for family members released from Border Patrol custody. Are you kidding me? We’re resorting to ankle monitors now? Look, I get it, we’re trying to keep tabs on these people. But shouldn’t our priority be to actually secure the border and prevent them from entering in the first place?

And let’s not forget about the record levels of illegal immigration we’ve been seeing. Over 2.2 million encounters in fiscal year 2022 alone, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. It’s clear that we have a serious problem on our hands, and this bill is just slapping a band-aid on a gaping wound.

This bill is a load of horse manure. We don’t need another piece of legislation to add to the bureaucratic mess. No, what we need is to enforce the laws that are already on the books. We need a strong, secure border that protects our citizens and upholds the rule of law. It’s as simple as that. And until our elected officials can get that through their thick skulls, we’re in for more of the same. What a time to be alive.

Written by Staff Reports

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