
Bragg’s Soft Stance on NYPD Attackers: Migrants Run Wild in US

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg is on a mission to find those pesky migrants who allegedly attacked two brave NYPD officers, despite the fact that they were released without bail. In a statement dripping with grandiosity, Bragg declared his unwavering commitment to working with law enforcement to hold these criminals accountable.

But, oh boy, it seems like finding these suspects won’t be a walk in the park. Reports suggest that four of them might have high-tailed it to California with the help of false identities and some bus tickets handed out by a Catholic charity. How generous of them!

To make matters worse, only six of the suspects have been arrested and charged, while a seventh walked free due to “insufficient evidence” (wink, wink). Apparently, Bragg thinks it’s more important to make sure the right criminals are being accused than to protect our hardworking men and women in uniform. It’s a shame, really.

Oh, but don’t worry, folks. Bragg has his reasons for letting these suspects roam free. He claims that they need to be conclusively identified to secure convictions in court. Sure, it’s just a minor inconvenience for the officers who were assaulted, but hey, at least the criminals feel a little more comfortable with their freedom.

And let’s not forget about Yohenry Brito, the Venezuelan national who’s still behind bars on bail. The Manhattan District Attorney’s Office justified his bail because they were so impressed by his distinct tattoo, as if that’s a legitimate reason to keep someone behind bars. It’s almost laughable.

The whole incident took place when officers were trying to restore peace in Times Square, only to be met with a violent onslaught from these migrants. It’s truly disgraceful. But hey, four of the suspects thought it was a good idea to provide false identities to a church-affiliated nonprofit. That’s some next-level audacity.

And speaking of audacity, one of the suspects, Jhoan Boada, had the nerve to show defiance towards the press outside the court. Can you believe it? These criminals have no respect for authority, yet Bragg seems determined to bend over backward to protect them.

It’s clear that the public outrage over this incident forced Bragg to change his tune. People are demanding justice against this unwarranted violence, and it’s about time. Law and order should prevail, but it seems like Bragg needs a little reminder of that.

Written by Staff Reports

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