
Bragg’s Trump Vendetta Leaves NYC Streets Unsafe

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has once again prioritized his vendetta against former President Donald Trump over the safety and well-being of the people of New York City. While violent crime continues to plague the streets, Bragg has been busy prosecuting Trump instead of focusing on real criminals.

This week alone, two brutal attacks have occurred, shining a light on the incompetence of Bragg’s office. One case involves Samuel Junker, a 41-year-old man accused of throwing a woman onto subway tracks. This horrifying incident took place after Junker allegedly followed the victim into a subway station. The result? A broken leg, along with bruising and swelling.

Instead of swiftly bringing justice to this despicable act of violence, Bragg focused on issuing press releases and grandstanding for the media. It’s clear that his agenda takes precedence over the safety of innocent New Yorkers. Maybe if Bragg spent less time chasing after Trump and more time protecting his constituents, these heinous acts could have been prevented.

But the incompetence doesn’t end there. Lawrence Downey, a 56-year-old man, was sentenced to a mere 20 years behind bars for fatally stabbing Ronald Massaro. Downey chased down Massaro outside of a hotel and took his life in a fit of rage. This is a prime example of the failures of Bragg’s office to effectively prosecute criminals and keep the streets safe.

It’s disheartening to see the leniency shown towards these violent offenders while law-abiding citizens suffer at the hands of criminals. New Yorkers are living in fear, and instead of providing them with a sense of security, Bragg is more interested in playing politics. This lack of leadership is unacceptable and the victims and their families deserve better.

In addition to these horrific incidents, just last week, a man was slashed in the face at Grand Central Station. The attacker managed to flee the scene, leaving another victim in his wake. With crime running rampant in the city, it’s clear that Bragg needs to reevaluate his priorities and start focusing on what truly matters – the safety and well-being of the people he is supposed to serve.

It’s time for Bragg to step up, put an end to his personal crusade against Trump, and start fighting for the innocent victims of crime. New York City deserves a district attorney who will prioritize justice and protect its citizens. Until then, we can expect more of the same – more violence, more victims, and more misplaced priorities.

Written by Staff Reports

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