
BREAKING: Anti-Trumper’s Rare Self-Awareness Moment Collapses in Seconds!

In a surprising turn of events, David Brooks, an avowed “anti-Trumper,” had a brief moment of self-awareness in his latest article for The New York Times. Brooks, who has long criticized the Republican Party and its supporters, admitted that the “elites” in our society preach diversity and equity while benefiting from systems that exclude others. He acknowledged that the professional world, including journalism, is dominated by those who attended elite colleges and lack a connection to the rest of the country.
Brooks also criticized the language and moral norms used by the elites to define themselves and exclude others. He pointed out that terms like “cisgender” and “Latinx” are not a sign of superior intellect but rather a tool used by partisan ideologues to force their views on others. He also noted that left-wing elites have eroded social norms and basic morality but then retreated back into those norms when it suited them.

Despite his moment of self-awareness, Brooks still fell back into his old ways by expressing trust in the legal system and calling for the imprisonment of Donald Trump. He failed to recognize that the same self-serving and corrupt aspects of the professional class also apply to the political class.
Overall, Brooks’ article provides some insight into the hypocrisy of the elites and their disregard for the well-being of the rest of the country. It’s a refreshing change from his usual anti-Trump rhetoric, but he still has a long way to go in fully recognizing the flaws in the system that he benefits from.

Written by Staff Reports

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