
Breaking: CNN Lambasts Biden DOJ on Hunter Case Handling! A Turn for the Left?

CNN, the famously biased news organization, is making some surprising moves lately. While it’s important to take their actions with a grain of salt, one cannot help but notice that something seems to be changing. Take for example, Jake Tapper, who has made it known that he despises former President Donald Trump. So, when Tapper publicly admits that “Trump was right” and “Biden was wrong,” it’s as if hell has frozen over. It’s truly revolutionary for someone like Tapper to finally acknowledge that Biden’s claims about his son’s involvement with China were false. This is information that could have easily been discovered with even a modicum of journalistic effort. But of course, CNN conveniently chose to ignore it until now. One can’t help but wonder why they’re deciding to admit the truth at this particular moment.

Moving on, CNN has been discussing the Department of Justice’s investigation into Hunter Biden. Elie Honig, a former federal prosecutor, expressed his frustration with the way the case has been handled. He pointed out the lack of transparency, action, and the numerous unanswered questions surrounding the investigation. Honig questioned the prolonged timeline and the apparent attempts to go easy on Hunter Biden before ultimately taking a tougher stance. He also noted the questionable decision to appoint David Weiss, who had been involved in the case all along, as the Special Counsel. Honig’s critique of Biden’s DOJ is surprisingly candid. It’s not something you’d expect from CNN, but rather from conservative commentators. Even Senator Lindsey Graham has joined in on the call to remove Weiss from the case. It seems that even those on the left are starting to see the problems with how this investigation has been handled.

So, why the sudden change in tone from CNN? Could it be that the facts surrounding Hunter Biden’s case are just too hard to ignore? Or is there something else at play? Perhaps they have lost faith in Joe Biden and are considering other options. There have been rumors of Biden retiring to deal with family issues, but that leaves the question of what to do about Kamala Harris, who is even less popular than Biden. On the other hand, figures like California Governor Gavin Newsom are eagerly waiting in the wings for a chance to take over. Only time will tell how this situation unfolds, but it seems that CNN and the Democrats are finally starting to realize that sticking with Biden may lead them straight into a disaster.

Written by Staff Reports

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