
Bumbling Biden Embarrasses America at G7 Summit; NY Post Readers in Stitches

The folks over at the NY Post are having a good laugh at President Biden’s expense after he stumbled and bumbled his way through the first day of the G7 summit. It seems like old Joe just can’t keep his thoughts straight, and the readers can’t help but shake their heads at his embarrassing gaffe. 


Now, we all know that the liberal media loves to make excuses for Biden’s blunders, but the truth is, it’s getting harder and harder to ignore his mental lapses. The readers at the NY Post are calling out Biden for his inability to stay on track and engage in meaningful discussions with our allies.

It’s no wonder that the world leaders are scratching their heads and wondering if they can rely on the United States with Biden at the helm. The readers at the NY Post are expressing their concerns about what this means for the future of America’s standing on the global stage.

But hey, at least we can count on the NY Post to give us a good chuckle at Biden’s expense. After all, it’s important to find some humor in the chaos of the Biden administration.

Written by Staff Reports

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