
Bush-Appointed Judge Crushes CA’s Anti-Gun Madness!

U.S. District Judge Cormac Carney, a brave soul appointed by the esteemed George W. Bush, has put a stop to California’s ridiculous attempt to trample all over the Second Amendment. The judge slapped down a law that would have banned law-abiding citizens from carrying their firearms in most public places, citing it as an assault on their constitutional rights and a direct challenge to the Supreme Court.

The law, signed by the notoriously anti-gun Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom, aimed to prohibit concealed carry in 26 different places, including public parks, playgrounds, and even churches. Yes, you heard that right, they even wanted to strip you of your right to defend yourself at church! Outrageous!

But fear not, fellow patriots, a group of gun owners and advocates weren’t about to let this affront to liberty go unchallenged. Led by the Orange County Gun Owners PAC, the California Gun Rights Foundation, and the Firearms Policy Coalition, they took the fight to the courts, arguing that the law trampled all over the Supreme Court’s decision in the New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen case.

And guess what? They won! Judge Carney issued a preliminary injunction against the law, saving Californians from having their Second Amendment rights squashed like a bug.

Of course, the leftists are not taking this lying down. California Attorney General Rob Bonta is vowing to appeal the decision, spewing out the same tired old rhetoric about “endangering communities” and “allowing guns in places where families and children gather.” Spare us the scare tactics, Mr. Bonta.

And don’t even get us started on Governor Newsom. He’s busy crying foul, calling the ruling “outrageous” and decrying the supposed “proliferation of guns” in places like hospitals and children’s playgrounds. It seems he’s more interested in pushing his gun control agenda than actually upholding the Constitution.

But in the face of all this anti-gun hysteria, the ruling is a victory for common sense and freedom. Gun rights activists are celebrating the decision, rightfully calling out the California politicians for their blatant disregard of the Supreme Court’s ruling. Chuck Michel, President of the California Rifle and Pistol Association, hit the nail on the head when he said that the court saw through the state’s desperate attempts to strip law-abiding citizens of their rights.

Even the Second Amendment Foundation founder and Executive Vice President, Alan M. Gottlieb, weighed in, rightly labeling the California law an affront to our precious right to keep and bear arms. It’s about time someone stood up to the California elites and their incessant attacks on our freedoms.

So, take a moment to savor this victory, my fellow patriots. But keep your powder dry, for the fight to defend our Second Amendment rights is far from over. And remember, in the immortal words of Charlton Heston, “From my cold, dead hands!”

Written by Staff Reports

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