
Byron Donalds Hits Back with Stellar Answer to VP Question!

In the midst of rumors surrounding Donald Trump’s choice for Vice President, a vocal ally of the former President in Congress has expressed his willingness to accept the role. Byron Donalds, a Republican representative from Florida, stated on Fox News’ Sunday Morning Futures that the decision is ultimately up to Trump. Despite being a political newcomer, Donalds has garnered support among Trump’s base of loyal followers.

When asked about potentially running with Trump after his unsuccessful bid for Speaker of the House, Donalds deferred to the President, emphasizing his commitment to fixing the country. He expressed his desire to contribute in any way necessary to get the country back on track. In addition, Donalds highlighted the growing support for Trump among black voters, pointing to their dissatisfaction with Biden’s handling of the economy.

As Trump continues to maintain a strong presence in the polls and dominate the Republican primary, speculation about a Trump-Biden rematch intensifies. Donalds, who had endorsed Trump over Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, suggests that the odds of DeSantis being chosen as Trump’s running mate are virtually nonexistent. Recent polls show Trump leading in Iowa, with DeSantis tied for second place with Nikki Haley.

While Trump has expressed interest in the idea of having a female running mate, he has emphasized that he will prioritize qualifications when making his selection. Despite his previous criticism of Haley as a “birdbrain,” there appears to be no significant animosity between the two. In fact, Trump had received an endorsement from South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem, fueling speculation that she may be his pick.

The departure of Trump’s former Vice President, Mike Pence, from the primary race further solidifies the contention for the Vice Presidential role. Pence, along with DeSantis, no longer maintains a relationship with Trump. As the Iowa caucuses draw near, all eyes are on Trump and his next move in the veepstakes.

Written by Staff Reports

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