
CA School Pays $100K for Secret Gender Switch Plot: Parents Strike Back!

California School District Pays $100,000 in Settlement for Secretly Supporting Gender Transition

In a shocking turn of events, the Spreckels Union School District in California has coughed up a whopping $100,000 in settlement after it was discovered that they were secretly supporting a student’s gender transition without informing the child’s mother. Talk about a lack of transparency!

According to NBC News, the district and three of its employees went behind the mother, Jessica Konen’s back and convinced the child that they were “bisexual” and “transgender.” They even encouraged the kid to keep it a secret from mommy dearest. Seriously, what were they thinking?

The settlement was approved by a federal judge last month, but let’s be clear, it in no way implies any admission of wrongdoing. Yeah, right. We all know what that means. Typical liberal nonsense!

The lawsuit was originally filed by Konen in June 2022, demanding a jury trial, attorneys’ fees, and over $25,000 in damages. And you know what? She deserves every penny! The school district violated her rights as a parent and took it upon themselves to shape her child’s upbringing. Talk about overstepping!

Konen’s lawyer, Harmeet Dhillon, the founder of the Center for American Liberty, called it a “triumph” for parents’ rights. And boy, is she right! This settlement should serve as a wake-up call to all school districts across the country. You can’t just secretly transition a child without parental consent and face no consequences. Take note, liberals!

But let’s not forget that this incident is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to California’s disregard for parental rights. Time and time again, we see school districts implementing policies that undermine the authority of parents. It’s absolute madness!

Thankfully, there are some school districts in California that are standing up for parental rights. The Chino Valley Unified School District in San Bernardino County, for example, has adopted a policy that requires parents to be notified if their child starts going by a different name, wants to use different pronouns, or heaven forbid, uses a restroom that aligns with their so-called “gender identity.” It’s about time someone made common sense a priority!

But of course, California’s Democratic Attorney General, Rob Bonta, has a problem with that. In fact, he went as far as filing a lawsuit against the Chino Valley Unified School District, claiming that such policies “wrongfully endanger the physical, mental, and emotional well-being” of nonconforming students. Give us a break, will ya? This is just another attempt by the left to trample on the rights of parents.

Don’t be fooled by the rhetoric of those who support these intrusive policies. Multiple polls have shown that parents overwhelmingly want to be involved in decisions about their child’s gender identity. It’s a no-brainer! Parents have a natural right to shape their child’s upbringing, not the government or some woke school district.

So, kudos to Jessica Konen for standing up for parental rights and scoring a major victory against the overreach of California school districts. It’s a win for all parents who believe in putting their children’s well-being ahead of the radical agenda of the left. Well done!

Written by Staff Reports

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