
Cable News Puppeteers: The Unofficial Makers of Biden Administration 2.0!

The media bias in favor of the Biden administration has reached new heights, with former administration officials seamlessly transitioning into roles at major news outlets. While it’s not uncommon for members of presidential cabinets to join the media industry, the Biden administration has taken this practice to a whole new level. Rather than waiting until after leaving office, Biden has developed a system where his former staff members become embedded in news outlets while he is still president. This presents a concerning conflict of interest and raises questions about the ethical implications of this close relationship between the administration and the media.

One recent example of this revolving door between the administration and the media is Jamaal Simmons, who served as the deputy assistant to President Biden and communications director to Vice President Harris. He has now signed a deal with CNN to be an on-air contributor. Just weeks before Simmons, Kate Bedingfield, Biden’s former White House Communications Director, also joined CNN. The list goes on, with former press secretary Jen Psaki now having her own show on MSNBC.

This cozy relationship between the Biden administration and cable news outlets is evident in the way they cover the news. Psaki’s “Inside With Jen Psaki” program often features friendly interviews with prominent Democrats, such as her recent stroll with John Kerry and their ice cream stop. On the other hand, she has taken a highly partisan approach when discussing Republicans, accusing them of “weaponizing Muslims against the trans community.” This blatant bias and lack of journalistic integrity are deeply troubling, especially as we approach the next election.

The benefit of having former administration members as part of the news establishment is clear for the Biden team. These individuals will serve as loyal mouthpieces, spreading the administration’s messaging and defending its actions. It’s a strategic move that saves Biden from having to engage directly with the media and face tough questions. Instead, he can rely on his allies within the news industry to do the work for him. This creates an unfair advantage and further erodes the integrity of the media.

As conservatives, we must be aware of this deep-rooted bias and fight against it. It’s crucial to seek out alternative sources of news that provide a balanced perspective and challenge the mainstream narrative. Only by doing so can we ensure that the American people have access to the truth and make informed decisions. The corruption within the media industry is a reflection of the corruption within our government, and both need to be held accountable.

Written by Staff Reports

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