
California’s Tantrum: Bans Travel to States Protecting Girls’ Sports and Kids

California, the land of liberal lunacy, strikes again! In a jaw-dropping display of progressive pettiness, the state has expanded its travel ban to three more states simply because they had the audacity to protect the integrity of girls’ sports and the well-being of children. Can you believe it?

The states at the receiving end of California’s tantrum are Missouri, Nebraska, and Wyoming. These states had the nerve to pass bills that prevent biological males from dominating female sports and ban gender reassignment surgeries for children. But apparently, according to California’s Attorney General, Rob Bonta, defending basic common sense is now considered discriminatory and government overreach. What a load of hogwash!

Bonta, spewing his usual liberal talking points, claims that these laws go against the sacred values of inclusivity and diversity. Well, sorry, Mr. Bonta, but protecting the sanctity of women’s sports and preventing irreversible medical procedures on minors is far more important than caving to the whims of a tiny percentage of the population. It seems like California Democrats have lost their minds entirely.

Meanwhile, Governor Mike Parson of Missouri has shown true leadership by standing up to the woke Left’s progressive propaganda. Parson understands that women and girls deserve a level playing field and equal opportunities to succeed without being overshadowed by biological males. It’s refreshing to see a politician with integrity in these trying times.

Of course, there are federal judges and opponents trying to block these laws in other states like Alabama, Arkansas, and Oklahoma. It’s no surprise that the liberal establishment will stop at nothing to prevent common-sense legislation from being enacted. They’d rather promote confusion and erode the boundaries that protect women’s rights.

It’s worth mentioning that California started this ridiculous travel ban back in 2016 when they threw a hissy fit over North Carolina’s common-sense bathroom law. It’s astonishing how a state that claims to champion progress and equality can be so intolerant of differing viewpoints. But hey, that’s the liberal echo chamber for you.

In conclusion, these recent developments demonstrate the absurdity of the left-wing agenda. California’s expanded travel ban is nothing short of a temper tantrum from a state that has lost touch with reality and is determined to force its radical ideology down the throats of the rest of the country. It’s high time we put an end to this nonsense and protect the integrity of women’s sports and the well-being of our children.

Written by Staff Reports

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