
CBS Host Displays Bias in Interview With VP JD Vance on Southern States

The condescending attitude towards Southern Americans is as entrenched as a deep-fried twinkie at a county fair. Margaret Brennan, a figure from CBS’s elite media circle, recently showcased this blatant prejudice during an interview with Vice President JD Vance on “Face the Nation.” In a move that could make any Southern grandmother raise an eyebrow, she insinuated that Southern states are incapable of recovering from disasters without federal intervention, as if wielding a spatula is beyond the ken of anyone below the Mason-Dixon line.

This attitude isn’t exactly new. Hollywood has long perpetuated the stereotype of the “dumb Southerner,” a tired trope where Southern characters are often depicted with accents thicker than molasses. Whether it’s in movies or television, these portrayals are ridiculous, and they’ve only been exacerbated by shows like “Match Game,” where a contestant from Mississippi was mocked, with only a few voices providing even a hint of defense for her. Cue the eye rolls as the elites continue to gnaw on outdated stereotypes while simultaneously declaring themselves the guardians of cultural sensitivity.

Brennan’s comments on low-income Southern states completely ignore the reality of living in a region known for its low cost of living. Her approach dismisses the idea that a dollar doesn’t carry the same weight in Memphis as it does in Manhattan. Lower incomes in Southern states do not equate to a diminished standard of living when housing prices are often half that of their Northeastern counterparts. It’s like trying to compare apples to a whole bushel of oranges, and she should know better.

Furthermore, she clearly overlooks the capable leadership that thrives in these Southern states. The South has produced an impressive roster of knowledgeable, experienced individuals capable of charting their course without relying on the federal government to hold their hands. More importantly, they possess the grit and determination to rise from the ashes of any disaster. This “lower-income” label Brennan used as a crutch only proves that she and her liberal pals live in a bubble where understanding regional resilience is not part of the curriculum. 


Former Fox News reporter Adam Housley weighed in, highlighting the staggering disconnect that Brennan’s comments reveal—she remains simply oblivious to the rich culture and capable communities that make up the South. With years of experience covering disasters in the region, he pointed out the absurdity of such elitist attitudes that condescend to millions of hard-working Americans. Southern folks are accustomed to rolling with the punches and often do so with a smile, a cold drink, and some good ol’ fashioned BBQ.

As the elitist narrative continues to play out in mainstream media, it becomes clear: Brennan likely won’t be apologizing for her remarks anytime soon. But maybe it’s time for a reality check among those in big media, as they sit comfortably in their Northeastern enclaves far removed from the grit and tenacity that define so much of the Southern way of life.

Written by Staff Reports

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