
Chicago Blacks Blast Dem Sanctuary Splurge, Eye GOP Votes!

In the Democratic stronghold of Chicago, a surprising group of locals is speaking out against the city’s sanctuary city policies, and they’re not holding back. According to Breitbart, after the city allocated a whopping $150 million in the 2024 budget for illegal aliens, some black Chicago residents took to the streets in protest. Their message to the city’s elected officials was crystal clear: they’re fed up with the Democratic Party’s priorities and want their needs to come first.

One outspoken protester voiced her frustration, pointing out that while illegal immigrants were being put up in hotel rooms at taxpayer expense, the city’s own homeless population was left to sleep on the streets. “We are fed up with you for not taking the lead to stop the buses,” she exclaimed, referring to the constant arrival of buses bringing in migrants.

The activists even went as far as to threaten to vote for Republicans, a rarity in a city known for its progressive leanings. The protesters demanded the removal of illegal immigrants from the city and have been vocal in municipal meetings about their concerns.

The strain on the city’s resources due to the influx of illegal immigrants has prompted some city aldermen to call for a nonbinding referendum on the sanctuary city policy. And it’s not just locals who are feeling the pressure. Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker penned a letter to President Joe Biden, emphasizing the lack of federal intervention and coordination at the border and the impact it’s had on Illinois.

This pushback against Chicago’s sanctuary city policies highlights the growing frustration among some residents who feel their needs are being overshadowed. The unlikely source of this resistance in a deep blue city like Chicago is a stark reminder that politics is a complex dance, and issues like immigration don’t always fall neatly along party lines.

It’s clear that this issue isn’t going away anytime soon, and as tensions rise, it will be interesting to see how the city’s Democratic leadership responds to this vocal opposition from within its own ranks.

Written by Staff Reports

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