
Chicago Group Begs Gangs for 9-5 Shooting Break: Hand-Wringing or Solution?

In a desperate attempt to combat the rampant violence in Chicago, a community group called the Native Sons has made a plea to gang members to refrain from shooting each other between the hours of 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. Yes, you read that right, folks – this group is actually asking criminals to only commit their heinous acts during daylight hours. What a world we live in.

According to Tatiana Atkins, co-founder of the Native Sons, the goal of this “People’s Ordinance” is to strategically address the city’s gun violence problem. She hopes that by limiting the window of time when shootings occur, people will be less likely to venture out and perhaps take more responsibility for their children’s safety. This movement is being driven by social media and the media itself, as the Native Sons refuse to wait for a bill or law to take action.

It’s truly disheartening to see Chicago’s descent into chaos and violence. Five-year-olds, 14-year-olds, grandparents, pregnant women – no one is safe from the horrors of gun violence in the Windy City. And who is to blame for this madness? Look no further than the soft-on-crime Democrat mayors and city governments that have allowed this crisis to fester. It’s no coincidence that cities like Chicago, New York, Baltimore, and Los Angeles are all plagued by violent crime and all run by Democrats.

The real question we need to ask ourselves is what message are we sending to criminals when we continuously release them back onto the streets? And what does it say to law-abiding citizens when their safety is sacrificed for the so-called “rights” of criminals? The Native Sons have had enough, but unfortunately, their plea will likely fall on deaf ears. It’s time for real change, and that starts with holding our elected officials accountable.

Written by Staff Reports

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