
Chicago’s Plan: Ship Illegals to Suburbs, Angers Conservatives

The liberal stronghold of Chicago is making headlines once again, and this time it’s for a proposal that is sure to leave conservatives across the country fuming. Mayor Brandon Johnson, a far-left progressive who seems to have little regard for the rule of law, is working with Cook County officials to ship thousands of illegal immigrants to surrounding suburbs. Yes, you heard that right. Instead of actually dealing with the massive influx of migrants, they want to just pass the problem along to other communities.

Now, you may be wondering, why on earth would they want to do such a thing? Well, it turns out that Chicago is a so-called “sanctuary city,” which means they have decided to ignore federal immigration law and provide protection to illegal immigrants. Instead of upholding the law and deporting those who are in the country unlawfully, they would rather play host to them and burden their own taxpayers.

It’s not just the city that is going above and beyond to accommodate illegal immigrants, the entire state of Illinois has jumped on the bandwagon. The liberal governor, J.B. Pritzker, recently signed legislation that allows non-citizens to become police officers. That’s right folks, individuals who are in the country illegally now have the power to arrest lawful American citizens. What a great idea, right? Who needs border security when we can just give badges to people who shouldn’t even be here in the first place?

But that’s not all. Illinois has also become the first state in the nation to offer healthcare to illegal migrants, and they are now forcing landlords and property owners to rent to non-citizens. Apparently, according to Governor Pritzker, where you were born has nothing to do with your ability to pay rent on time. Well, I hate to break it to him, but when you’re here illegally, you shouldn’t be entitled to the same rights and benefits as law-abiding citizens.

All of these ridiculous policies and handouts come at a time when rent prices are skyrocketing in Chicago and across the country. It’s no wonder that the average apartment in the city costs a whopping $1,863 a month. But instead of focusing on ways to make housing more affordable for hardworking Americans, the politicians in Chicago would rather prioritize the needs of illegal immigrants. It’s clear where their loyalties lie, and it’s certainly not with the American people.

So, while Chicago may pride itself on being a “sanctuary city” and Illinois may claim to be a “welcoming state,” let’s not forget that behind all the rhetoric and virtue signaling, there are real consequences for real people. The burden falls squarely on the shoulders of the taxpayers who are forced to bear the cost of these ridiculous policies. It’s time for common sense and the rule of law to prevail, because the citizens of this country deserve better than this.

Written by Staff Reports

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