
Childish Adults and Forever-Minors: The Hit New Trend!

Children staying children longer than ever before is the topic of Ward Clark’s article. Clark points out that throughout history, adulthood was determined by reaching certain milestones such as puberty or physical development. However, in recent times, it has become fashionable for educated people to believe that 18 or 21 is too young to make serious choices and that young adults need constant supervision. Clark disagrees with this notion and argues that there should be one age at which a young person is considered an adult for all purposes.

Clark also criticizes the idea of raising the age for purchasing firearms or voting, questioning why someone between the ages of 18 and 21 would not be responsible enough to drink or buy a gun but would be allowed to vote. He believes that this “graduated age of majority” approach is ridiculous and that there should be one age that applies to everything.

Furthermore, Clark argues that by trying to protect young people from making their own decisions until a certain age, society is actually prolonging their immaturity and delaying their development into responsible adults. He shares a personal anecdote of his mother graduating high school at 16 and being confronted with the harsh realities of war shortly after.

In conclusion, Clark calls for society to start expecting children to grow up again and advocates for picking one age of majority.

Written by Staff Reports

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