
China Meddles in Canada’s Vote: Is America Their Next Target?

China’s influence in foreign elections is becoming a real concern, and it seems they have set their sights on Canada. According to a classified report from the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), a leadership candidate for a provincial political party met with Chinese agents at a Chinese consulate in 2022. The report suggests that China has been using their agents to influence leaders of Canadian political parties at all levels of government.

Now, the question is, will they try the same tactics in the United States? It’s a possibility that cannot be ignored. With so many Democrat politicians having questionable ties to China, it’s not far-fetched to think that they would try to infiltrate our elections as well. This raises concerns about the weakness displayed by President Joe Biden on the global stage. His refusal to take a tough stance on China only emboldens them further.

Republicans, like Senator Rick Scott, have been vocal about Biden’s appeasement of China. They argue that Biden is too soft on dictators and fails to stand up for American interests. It’s clear that China is not to be trusted, and we must be vigilant to prevent their interference in our elections.

The CSIS report also exposes gaps in Canada’s foreign interference inquiry. While they are investigating China’s influence on federal elections, they are neglecting to look at provincial and municipal races. This raises concerns about the extent of Chinese interference in Canadian politics and the need for a more comprehensive investigation.

It’s time to take action and protect our democracy from foreign interference. We cannot afford to let China or any other hostile state manipulate our elections and undermine our sovereignty. It’s time for strong leadership that puts America first and stands up to our adversaries.

Written by Staff Reports

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