
Chinese Cash Traces Direct to Biden’s Wallet: Blackmail Alert?

In a video released by House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer, the prospect of President Joe Biden facing impeachment has taken a significant step forward. Comer, a Kentucky Republican leading an investigation into the financial dealings of the Biden family, has uncovered a direct connection between funds originating from China and Joe Biden's bank account. Comer has also raised concerns about the potential for foreign blackmail to be exerted against the President. The evidence for these claims is derived from a 2017 WhatsApp exchange between Hunter Biden and an associate of the Chinese energy company CEFC.

In this exchange, Hunter requests $10 million from the company, alluding to his father's political influence and suggesting that it could be used as leverage. Comer highlights that this alleged extortion attempt was successful, with $40,000 of laundered Chinese money reportedly ending up in Joe Biden's bank account. While this payment might be a loan repayment, Comer underscores the fact that it still implies Joe Biden benefiting from his family's financial dealings, potentially involving Chinese funds, raising concerns about his integrity.

Comer also points out that given Joe Biden's past attempts to secure substantial sums from the Chinese company while he was Vice President, he may have exposed himself to potential future blackmail, potentially compromising America's interests for personal gain. The video and evidence presented by Comer's committee significantly strengthen the ongoing House impeachment inquiry, a situation that can no longer be ignored by the media and even the Democratic Party.

This revelation draws a comparison with the impeachment proceedings against former President Donald Trump, which were based on allegations that some considered flimsy. In contrast, Comer's investigation presents tangible evidence of questionable financial transactions involving the Biden family. With Joe Biden currently occupying the White House, there is growing concern that any country or entity that contributed financially to the Bidens, particularly China, may have leverage and the potential for blackmail against the President.

The House Oversight Committee is committed to following the money trail and holding President Biden accountable for alleged corrupt actions. As the committee continues to build a case against Biden and his family for what they view as serious crimes with wide-ranging implications, it is vital for all Americans to closely monitor these developments. The potential for a Biden impeachment appears to be on the horizon, and it should not come as a surprise to anyone when it materializes.





Written by Staff Reports

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