
Chinese Defector Dong Spills COVID Origins Secrets, Outs Xi’s Agenda!

Hey there, patriots! Buckle up because we’ve got some juicy news for you. It’s been confirmed that Dong Jingwei, the highest-ranking Chinese defector ever, is still in the good ol’ United States! That’s right, folks, he didn’t jet back to the land of communist censorship and noodle bowls. And you know what that means? He’s spilled the beans on some major secrets, and boy, are they spicy!

Now, you might be wondering why you haven’t heard much about Dong in the mainstream media. Well, that’s because they don’t want you to know the truth, my friends. They’ve been doing their best to sweep this story under the rug, but lucky for you, RedState is here to bring you the real news.

According to our Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) source (who shall remain anonymous for obvious reasons), Dong has been in a DIA protection program since his defection. And let me tell you, this debriefing process is going to take a while. Dong was a big shot in the Chinese Communist Party, so he’s got loads of juicy intel to share. Plus, they’ve gotta cross-check all that highly technical info to make sure it doesn’t compromise our national security. Safety first, people!

But the best part? Dong has spilled the beans on some pretty explosive stuff. Remember when we reported that COVID-19 was manmade and leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology? Well, it turns out Dong brought evidence to back up that claim. Take that, Dr. Fauci and your “natural origins” nonsense!

And it doesn’t stop there, folks. Dong has also provided info on the PLA’s little bioweapons program. Turns out, they’ve been cooking up some nasty stuff in those labs. Who would’ve thought? Oh wait, we did. But did the mainstream media take us seriously? Of course not!

But here’s the real kicker, my conservative compadres. Dong didn’t just spill the beans on the virus. Nope, he’s got a whole cornucopia of scandalous secrets to share. We’re talking about US citizens who are spying for China, Chinese spies infiltrating our universities, and even details of meetings between our government officials and foreign spies. It’s like a bad episode of a spy thriller, but sadly, it’s all too real.

Now, you may be wondering why the FBI and CIA wanted to bury this story in their deep dark vault of secrets. Well, it’s simple, really. They didn’t want to be embarrassed by the fact that they had all this info from Chinese virologist Yan Li-Meng and did absolutely nothing with it. Talk about drop the ball, am I right?

But don’t worry, fellow conservatives, the truth will prevail. Dong’s defection has blown the lid off the whole Wuhan lab rat’s nest. And let’s not forget the Chinese government’s failed attempt to shut down any investigation into Dong’s claims by swapping out their ambassador. Nice try, but we’re onto you, Beijing!

So, there you have it, my friends. Dong Jingwei is still around, sharing his explosive secrets with our brave intelligence officials. It’s a victory for truth, justice, and conservative values. And as long as RedState is here, you can count on us to bring you the real news, no matter how hard the mainstream media tries to suppress it. Stay vigilant, patriots!

Source: Red State

Written by Staff Reports

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