
Chris Christie Throws Unfounded Tantrum against Trump’s Tenure!

Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is at it again, bashing former President Donald Trump and claiming that he didn’t finish the job during his time in office. Can you believe this guy? Christie, who is running against Trump in the 2024 primary race, is clearly just trying to get attention. He’s been going around listing all the things Trump promised but didn’t accomplish, like building the border wall and bringing peace to the Middle East. But come on, we all know that Trump did more in his first term than most presidents do in two!

And then Christie has the audacity to insult the people who worked for Trump, calling them a “clowns and rogues gallery.” How disrespectful! These were dedicated public servants who were doing their best to support the President’s agenda. It’s no wonder Christie’s numbers are so low in the polls – no one wants a candidate who insults their own party.

But Christie doesn’t stop there. He also brings up Trump’s legal issues as a reason why he shouldn’t be the nominee. Now, I’m not a lawyer, but last time I checked, being indicted doesn’t mean you’re guilty. And let’s not forget that Trump was acquitted not once, but twice during his impeachment trials. This is just a desperate attempt by Christie to try and tear down a successful leader.

The fact is, Trump is the front-runner in the 2024 primary, and for good reason. He has overwhelming support from Republicans across the country who appreciate his America-first policies and his tough stance on immigration. And let’s not forget that he brought us the greatest economy we’ve seen in decades before the pandemic hit. So sorry, Christie, but your anti-Trump campaign isn’t going to gain any traction. It’s clear who the real conservative leader is here.

Written by Staff Reports

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